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About me

My name Iryna Proyava, functioning as an advocate practitioner hailing from the town of Volodymyr in the Volyn region of Ukraine. With over a decade of hands-on involvement in the field of law, I've advocated for clients across a spectrum of legal domains encompassing administrative, civil, and criminal matters.

My approach involves personalized attention, thorough assessment of situations, and the formulation of strategies tailored to individual needs and objectives. My primary objective revolves around furnishing dependable and top-tier legal advocacy for each client, with the ultimate goal of attaining the most favorable outcomes possible.

In the realm of legal services, I'm providing a diverse range of services to fulfill your requirements. Operating within my professional capacity, I extend the subsequent legal services like:


Offering expert guidance on a range of legal matters, I clarify intricate legal facets and aid in comprehending both your entitlements and responsibilities.

Representation in Court

Prepared to safeguard your interests throughout all stages of legal proceedings, spanning from the initial trial to the appellate phase.

Document Preparation

I offer expert support in creating a range of legal papers, ensuring their legal precision and efficacy. This encompasses everything from plaintiff statements to contracts.

Legal Analysis

I conduct a thorough examination of the legal aspects of your case in order to identify the optimal strategy for resolving it and to assess the likelihood of achieving a favorable outcome.

Family Law

I offer consulting assistance and legal safeguarding for matters involving divorce, adoption, child support, and various other issues within the realm of family law.

Criminal Law

I guarantee the safeguarding of rights and interests within criminal proceedings, offering expert legal support both during pre-trial investigations and in the courtroom.

Comercial Law

I am responsible for addressing a variety of civil legal disagreements and matters, including contractual disputes, property rights, debt retrieval, and similar issues.

Comercial Law

I offer assistance to businesses across various aspects of business law, encompassing tasks such as establishing companies, providing legal advice, and creating contracts.

Military Law

I provide legal assistance and legal support to military personnel in matters of military service, dismissal, and collection of compensation payments.
Are you in need of legal advices from an advocate through online?
Engaging in virtual consultations with me offers you the convenient and efficient means to obtain answers to your legal inquiries with minimal additional effort. This approach enables you to access legal guidance from the comfort of your own home, a particularly valuable option in today's contemporary lifestyle.
important info:
platform: google meet
available days: monday-friday
language: ukrainian
You have the opportunity to conveniently choose a time that suits you, regardless of the lawyer's location. All you need is access to the Internet through a computer or mobile device.

To make an appointment for an online consultation with me, click the "select a term" button and follow the instructions of the "calendly" service that appear on your screen. Or contact me via social media or Telegram.
On my blog, you'll discover informative articles covering a range of topics within the realm of law and the judicial system. I strive to demystify intricate legal subjects in a comprehensible manner by examining real-life scenarios and offering practical guidance to the people of Ukraine. Blog available only in Ukrainian.
date: 19.10.2023

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Читати 5 хвилин
Volodymyr City, Ukraine, 44703
Kovelʹsʹka, 42 street
online consultation:
Platform: Google Meet, Zoom
Language: Ukrainian